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Joy Owango

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Joy is an experienced award winning Founding Director of the Training Centre in Communication (TCC Africa) an award winning Trust registered in Kenya set up in 2006 and is the first African-based training centre to teach effective communication skills to scientists. TCC Africa is in partnership with the University of Nairobi, Kenya and provides capacity support in improving African researchers output and visibility through training in scholarly and science communication.

She has a demonstrated history of working in higher education (in both in private, university and nongovernmental sector). She was a successful higher education practitioner with Clarivate Analytics and worked with the following Governments, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Mauritius, Ghana, Senegal, Burkina Faso and created foundational opportunities valued at approximately USD 1.3Million. As the Director of TCC Africa she is currently working with all 15 African countries that have committed to spending 1% of their GDP in Higher Education and Research and Development.

Beyond this I have successfully created Global North –South collaborations, where , our centre is providing equitable access to open source research discovery solutions to African governments and their respective academic communities. In addition to this, she sits on the board of AfricArxiv, Africa’s only preprint repository and as a project partner we support African researchers and institutes on how they can improve their data output, sovereignty and visibility through effective use of preprints and personal identifiers. As a centre we launched TCC Africa thought leadership research capacity webinars , where we created a platform for African researchers to access various aspects of the research life cycle and #openscience in Africa through various collaborations North -South collaborations. These webinars are hosted live on Facebook and have garnered over 20,000 views and been liked over 1000 times and the subsequent announcements on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin have received over 10,000 cumulative likes. The webinars are equally indexed in AfricArxiv and can be cited as resources.